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Oct 9, 2009

Philippine Trip – Episode 8

Romy Salvador is the first of the old time Navigators that I had extended time with after getting out of the hospital. Romy came into contact with the Navigators in 1965 while attending a Bible Study that Gene Tabor (Philippine Navigator Director at that time) was leading

Romy is a non-assuming, low key, relational type of person that you would feel very comfortable with over a cup of coffee. Romy and Kathy (Romy's wife) were so gracious and desirous to make my stay a most memorable occasion. The first question he asked when we met at the Navigator Headquarters was, "Gene, how would you like a real Filipino body massage?" What a delightful thought and a relaxing experience—first a warm shower, then a 30 minute sauna and finally an hour and half massage. Wow! Cost? $7 U.S.

Romy's ministry is very diversified and yet focused on making disciples and equipping them to do the same. In the early years, his ministry emphasis was primarily directed toward students. But in 1977 (after 9 years of student ministry) a diversified approach evolved. Below is a partial summary of the ministries into which the Lord has led him.

Businessmen and Professionals
God brought Romy into favor with a number of businessmen and professionals who are now followers of Jesus. Romy and his team are making inroads into the entertainment and Television news world. They have reached the top Filipino pop singer who was voted number 1 in the 'young business entrepreneur' category. He is now influencing thousands of youth nationwide, interweaving the Christian message. Two well known television news commentators have been reached for Christ, who are now following their Master.

God, through unusual circumstances, brought Romy into contact and favor with three politicians--the former Speaker of the House, the former National Security Adviser and the former SEC chairman. It's true that not many who are wealthy or popular according to the world's standard become followers of Christ but when they do, we rejoice.

Charismatic Catholics.
The Filipino Catholic Charismatic movement numbers over three million. In 1994 Romy was asked by the leaders to train and equip fifty of their potential leaders. After four years of intense involvement with Romy, they have gone throughout the Philippines to establish communities of committed Christians to reach, train and equip the Body of Christ. Currently, there are 11 such communities.

Chinese Businessmen with a Buddhist background
2004 was a very traumatic, emotional and trying year for Romy. Cita , Romy's first wife of 29 years died. He was devastated. But God was faithful. Romy gradually recovered from his loss. Through a series of miraculous events God brought Kathy into Romy's life. She is a very capable and gifted Chinese lady. They were united in marriage in 2006.

Kathy's brothers were devout Buddhists and are very successful businessmen. The older brother owns five corporations, for one of which Kathy is the sales manager. Through the gift of knowledge of Romy's friend along with Romy's witness, both brothers have come to Christ and are now sharing Christ with their employees. Weekly Bible studies are being currently held in four of their companies which Romy and one of his Timothy's lead. I shared some of my own experiences in the Wednesday Bible Study group held in one of the older brother's company, "Mga Packaging," which employs four hundred people. What an enthusiastic group. They all have committed their lives to Christ within the last year and are growing.

Ministry to the Poor
One businessman that's a part of Romy's team, has set up a foundation to give scholarship grants to needy students. Also, he has provided a large sum of money to establish food distribution centers. Food is bought at wholesale and is sold with only a slight mark up, the profit of which goes to struggling churches.

Raising and Training a Child, IVAN
This year, Romy became a father for the first time at age 64. He and Kathy are really excited. It's very evident that Romy is already a great father. This precious little one, Ivan, is going to keep Romy young for a long time after I'm dead and gone.

Next: the ministry of Boni Arzadon

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