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Oct 11, 2009

Philippine Trip - Episode 10 - Philip Flores Part 1

I met Philip Flores back in 1963. He had committed his life to Christ one month before we met. He had recently finished a Bible Correspondence Course entitled Bible Investigation School of which I was “principal” at one time. Gordon, my seven year old son, and I were visiting some of the graduates. Philip was one of these. Philip was 19 years of age, a very enthusiastic, goal oriented with leadership qualities. He soon became involved with the Navigators. I met weekly with Philip helping him to get established in the basics of the Christian life. His love for the Lord and others grew. After a few months, he began sharing Christ with his friends. Those who responded, he diligently followed up and discipled who in turn continued the process. After a few years he was leading the Navigator ministry at the Araneta U and then at the University of the Philippines and in time became the Navigator director of the Philippine work.

Philip and I have a very special relationship since he considers me his spiritual dad. What a joy it was to live and interact for three days with Philip and Myrna, Philip's wife. I was so encouraged and refreshed. I believe the Lord orchestrated my schedule so that I would be with the Flores family on Father’s day. What a joy it was to meet Philip and Myrna’s tribe: their three children (Ging, Joy and Jabez), Ging and Joy’s husbands, Ging’s lovely baby, Myrna’s sister and Myrna’s ninety year old father who is still strong and quite active. The Flores children are blessed with godly training and role models.

Philip gave the Father’s Day message in a church where he preaches once a month. It was partially in Tagalog (Filipino language) and English. God has gifted Philip with communication skills but more importantly with an anointing from above. The one hundred or so in attendance were really engaged in the message and responded verbally throughout. At the close of the message, they had a 30 to 40 minute special service to honor the dads. Words and poems were spoken and read by their children. Skits were performed, enacting the idiosyncrasies of their fathers. It was so humorous. They honored each father individually. When their name was called they came forward to receive a gift of remembrance, a gift of love. The service was closed with a prayer of blessing over the fathers. I’ve never witnessed such a meaningful tribute to dads.

Sunday afternoon the entire Flores family gathered to fellowship and to honor Philip, Myrna’s father and me. We each were given a Fathers' day card. Philip included a meaningful message on my card as his spiritual dad. Each of us also received a gift of remembrance. These loved ones are so gifted in expressing and actively showing their love and appreciation and it’s not contrived. It flows from the core of their lives. I was so refreshed and strengthened in spirit by the Lord through their kindness and generosity.

Philip’s ministry in the Philippines extends from North to the South—from Luzon (the northern island} to Mindanao (the southern island). The Philippines is made up of 7,107 islands. There are more than 5,000 evangelical churches scattered through out the Philippines. Philip and his team are meeting a very urgent need. They are training, equipping and mentoring many pastors who for the most part have had no formal theological training.

To be continued…Part 2, Philip’s ministry

1 comment:

  1. What a special Father's Day! How wonderful that you were able to be together with this son in the Lord and share that (particular time even) together. What is even more wonderful is that Father God was honored in it all; I believe it was a very meaningful and special time for HIM!

    Nancy Baker
